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Project Overview

The City aims to fully redesign the remaining three outdated sections of the Animas River Trail to align with all City of Durango multi-use standards. Planned upgrades include widening the trail to a minimum of 10 feet, replacing deteriorating asphalt with durable concrete, reducing grades, and adjusting curves to enhance visibility and ensure compliance with ADA guidelines. Improvements will also feature the installation of trail lighting throughout, safety railings where necessary, and additional amenities to enhance user experience. Construction of the first section is slated for 2025, with the completion of the remaining sections dependent on future annual budget allocations.

Santa Rita North to DoubleTree


The Animas River Trail will be closed between Santa Rita Park and the DoubleTree Hotel for approximately 8 months to rebuild the trail and make overall improvements.

The project will begin March 3 and is expected to last through October. To ensure the safety of all trail users, a re-route will be in place between West College Drive and Santa Rita Park. Pedestrians and cyclists can follow the marked detour, which will be clearly identified with directional arrows and signage. Please note that the detour will involve a longer commute, with some road crossings and a steep hill that may be challenging for some users. Please consider using the city's transit system. On-demand transit service is also available from 5p.m. to 12 a.m. through the DuranGO! App; fees apply.

Trail users should avoid the construction area, adhere to all posted signage, and exercise caution throughout the duration of the project. For more details, please refer to the project re-route map and plan your trip accordingly.

Re-route Map

Status: Plans for this section of the trail are complete. After receiving no bids in April 2024, the project was re-bid in October and the contract was awarded to F&M Construction in early December. Construction will begin in Spring 2025.

Improvements along this segment include:

  • The portion of trail on the south side of the Hwy 160 underpass will become a cantilevered section to improve the tight, blind corner. This will provide pedestrians better site-visibility as well as improve user experience with more separation from the busy highway.
  • The area behind The Doubletree Inn is an easement and has substandard lighting not managed by the City. This project will replace the lighting and include it in the City of Durango asset management. Additional space will be provided at the congested “Beer Garden” and off-trail bike racks will be provided.
  • The underpass will receive new railing and lighting as well as mitigation to the drainage from the highway that creates ice on the trail during the winter months.
  • Overall improved trail profile and drainage to mitigate pooling water at low points and where S. Camino del Rio seeps under the highway.
  • The design includes a pull-out with bench for users to have a place to rest along the long stretch without impeding moving traffic. The existing historical markers will be reset.
  • A soft-surface pedestrian path from the north end of the Whitewater Park to the Animas River Trail trail will be added to facilitate unloading rafters prior to the Whitewater Park during high flow.

Santa Rita North to DoubleTree - Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Complete Construction Documents - April 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Invitation to Bid - April 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    No Response to Invitation to Bid - May 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    2nd Invitation to Bid - October 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Notice of Award - December 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - active

    Construction Begins - March 2025

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Project Completion - Fall 2025

Santa Rita South to Nature's Oasis

Status: Plans for this section of trail are near completion with only final review remaining. The project will go out to bid as annual budget funds are allocated.

Improvements along this segment include:

  • Replace the pedestrian bridge to accommodate maintenance vehicles and provide a wider turn for improved circulation at the abutments.
  • Resolve stormwater drainage from highway which drains onto trail underpass.
  • Provide new culvert to manage Horse Gulch Drainage and eliminate erosion.
  • Address “slag pile” erosion onto trail at rock outcropping.
  • Generally improve the flow of the trail alignment and coordinate with Durango Trails to provide a meandering singletrack experience adjacent to the Animas River Trail.
  • Local art will be installed along this section of trail and a mural along the underpass.
  • Project includes the spur trail connection to the crosswalk at S. Camino del Rio and Nature’s Oasis. The new configuration will decrease the steepness and clearly identify the intersection.

Santa Rita Park South to Nature's Oasis - Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Design Development 90% - March 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Complete Construction Documents - January 2025

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Invitation to Bid - contingent upon the allocation of future annual budgets

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Notice of Award

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Construction Begins

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Project Completion

Rank Park to Memorial Park

Status: Plans for this section of trail are complete. The project will go out to bid as annual budget funds are allocated.

Improvements along this segment include:

  • Replacing the existing Demon footbridge with a new, wider bridge with smoother abutments. The height of the bridge will meet waterway freeboard requirements while not impacting the existing grade of the railroad crossing.
  • The turn of the trail at the east end of the bridge will be wider to improve the safety of the curve and the connection with the soft-surface Rae Trail will be modified as needed to maintain access.
  • The intersection with Rank Park, the Rec Center Spur and the Railroad Crossing is to be re-designed to improve the steep grade and be safer for all users. All striping and signage will clearly identify the intersection and railroad crossing.
  • A soft-surface trail and boulder steps will provide a formalized “short-cut”.
  • Irrigation and planting will to be expanded from the existing park (south end of Memorial Park) to provide new trees and enhance the new trail configuration with landscaping.
  • The concrete utility box will be screened from public view with landscaping, yet left accessible to properly maintain.
  • Replacing the trail spur to Rio Vista Circle. The steep grade will be improved as well as the drainage and interface with the roadway.
  • The trail will include an uninterrupted, 2 foot wide soft-surface path along the length of the trail. These small trails are popular for trail-running.

Rank Park to Memorial Park - Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Design Development 90% - July 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Complete Construction Documents - December 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Invitation to Bid - contingent upon the allocation of future annual budgets

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Notice of Award

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Construction Begins

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Project Completion