Interested in serving on a City of Durango Board or Commission? Applications for any vacant positions can be found by visiting this link or by clicking the button below. Preference will be given to City residents. Boards and Commissions with vacancies are listed below with more information.

The purpose of the Board of Ethics is to issue advisory opinions on ethical issues arising under the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics; to hear inquires or complaints; and to issue finding and recommendations regarding alleged violations of the Code.

Number of Vacancies: 3

Requirements: No Requirements

Term Length: 3 years

The purpose of the Business Improvement District Board is to provide services for businesses in the Central Business District and in the North Main District. Those services include marketing and communications, events, visitor information, beautification, advocacy and capital projects, all of which are subject to review and approval by the City Council.

Number of Vacancies: 2

Requirements: Variable (certain number of members need to fulfill requirements such as being a City resident, holding a sales tax license, own or lease property in the central business district)

Term: 3 years

The purpose of the Election Commission is to conduct municipal elections in accordance with the Colorado Municipal Election Law, the Charter, and the City Code to elect City Council Members for four-year terms on the Council. The Election Commission can submit ballot questions to the electorate from residents and also has the power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations not in conflict with the Constitution of the State of Colorado and ordinances of the city, and establish precincts and appoint election judges and clerks for each precinct.

Vacancies: 1

Requirements: N/A

Term: 2 years

The purpose of the Library Advisory Board is to make recommendations on the operation and administration of the Durango Public Library, policies and procedures for consideration and adoption by the City Council, and the library's capital budget. This board also reviews and adopts long-term financial plans for operation and capital needs for the facility.

Vacancies: 1

Requirements: N/A

Term: 3 years

The purpose of the Retirement Plan Board is to administer participant benefits, eligibility and benefit payments, adopt procedures for the conduct of the plan, and employ or delegate powers and responsibilities to outside agents for which it has been assigned. This board also reviews the stability of the retirement plan that the city offers to its regular employees and routinely considers all requests for distribution from the plan. Members of this board meet with participants to assist them in understanding investment and retirement options.

Vacancies: 2

Requirements: Must be City resident

Term: 4 years

The purpose of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Commission is to involve youth participation in city government as stated in the Children, Youth, and Family Master Plan resolution that the City Council adopted in March 2009. The goal is to create opportunities for meaningful youth involvement, to develop citizenship skills in Durango’s youth, foster greater understanding of their concerns and contributions, and encourage greater youth participation in community issues.

Vacancies: 11

Requirements: City of Durango resident and high school student

Term: 1 year (usually 1 school year)

Applications accepted through August 15th.

Apply by clicking here!

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about the vacancies, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Clerk's Office
Phone 970-375-5010