Thank you for your interest in the City of Durango’s pilot phase of the Downtown’s Next Step project! Downtown’s Next Step will improve safety and accessibility, calm traffic, and encourage economic vitality in historic downtown Durango. This pilot uses temporary materials to demonstrate some of the proposed elements of the project including expanded sidewalks, curb extensions, and amenities. This temporary installation illustrates the benefit and functionality of these features before the permanent capital investment of the project. Let us know what you think!

Bike Corrals, Landscaping, and Streetscape

Rendering of Downtown's Next Step design looking across the street at the Strater Hotel, with extended sidewalks, new landscaping

Four Key Benefits of Improved Cycle Parking and Landscaping

1. Bike parking improves business revenue – Quality bike parking equates to more revenue generation than car parking (Portland State University). Installing bike racks in convenient locations not only promotes a more orderly streetscape, but it’s a cost-effective way to grow business traffic.

2. Encourages bike travel –The presence of bicycle parking encourages people to ride bicycles. This can lead to reduced traffic congestion, decreased carbon emissions, reduced traffic congestion, and less wear and tear on the road.

3. Quality of life improvements – Studies show that landscaped and tree-line streets have reduced crime rates, reduce noise, and positive impact on physical and mental health. In addition, they also offer environmental and safety benefits.

4. Preserve and enhance cultural identity of Downtown Durango – Streetscaping is a concept that recognizes streets as public spaces where people can engage in different activities. A well-designed streetscape addresses things beyond health and safety; it enhances cultural identity of a community and drives economic developments in both tangible and intangible ways.