
Midtown Upgrades Offered to Public at July 10 Meeting

3 July 2024

Durango, CO: Draft design plans for the Midtown area to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety while also improving motor vehicle traffic will be presented to the public at 5:30 p.m. July 10 at the Durango Community Recreation Center.

City of Durango staff will begin with a presentation of the project, followed by question-and-answer time and a breakout session to receive feedback on the design.

The MidTown Safety and Connectivity Improvement project includes the East 2nd Avenue corridor between 15th Street and 13th Street, and the intersection of Florida Road, 15th Street and East 3rd Avenue. The meeting will be in person with the opportunity to join virtually on Zoom. Snacks and Spanish interpretation will be provided.

“If you live northeast of downtown Durango, the MidTown area is your main connection point to downtown and US Highway 550,” said Devin King, multimodal manager for the city. “This area sees high volumes of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians connecting to other parts of Durango. This project is aimed at improving connectivity and safety for cyclists and pedestrians through MidTown while also improving it for motor vehicles.”

The proposed design improvements include updated and completed sidewalks, crossing improvements at intersections, a two-way cycle track on East 2nd Avenue, and alternatives for the Florida Road, 15th Street, and East 3rd Avenue intersection. The project design balances existing business’ operations and improvements to meet the goals of the project.

Funding for this design project comes from the 2015 Half Cent Sales and Use Tax. For more information, call (970) 375-4955. To receive all of the City's news releases, please visit our webpage here.