Project Description
The SMART 160 Trail (Safe, Multi-modal, Aesthetic, Regional Trail) will establish a paved multi-use trail linking the Animas River Trail in southern Durango to the Three Springs Development. Throughout the project’s history, various alignments have been evaluated to identify the most feasible route, taking into account highway crossings, private property, land managed by other agencies, and challenging terrain. Currently, approximately one mile of the trail’s projected three-mile length has been completed.
In collaboration with design and engineering consultants, the remaining trail section has been divided into four segments. These segments were defined based on factors like property owner coordination, timing, construction access, and available annual funding. Segment 1 begins at the intersection of River Road and Highway 550/160, while Segment 4 ends at the existing SMART 160 Trail near the CDOT interchange/ramps.
The 2025 City Budget includes $165,000 for design, surveying, and engineering work on the trail. Segment 1 is 90% designed, and the city is currently collaborating with the Bureau of Land Management and the Colorado Department of Transportation to review plans and secure necessary permits for crossing properties managed by these agencies. Once the plans are finalized and approvals are obtained, the city will work with the design consultant to complete the bidding documents and will seek funding for construction in future budget cycles.
The city is also in ongoing discussions with a property owner to finalize an acceptable alignment for Segment 4 that meets both the property owner’s needs and the trail’s requirements.Given the estimated project costs, the city anticipates being able to fund the construction of one segment per budget year.
Map Overview of SMART 160