About the Project

The City of Durango is developing a Speed Management Plan to address speeding and crashes on City of Durango streets. The plan will create a toolbox of strategies including a range of engineering, education, and enforcement strategies, like curb extensions, automated enforcement, and other methods, following national best practices. It will also outline associated costs with strategies and best application. Demonstration projects showcasing these strategies will be installed in summer/fall 2025 for the public to experience and provide feedback on.

The project will have two concurrent efforts. One effort will collect detailed data and information about the needs of the City’s transportation system, current speed management efforts, safety challenges and opportunities, and developing goals and strategies. Data will be collected from speed data, existing plans, emergency services, public input, and local stakeholder partners. The second effort will use the data to determine three demonstration projects to address excessive speeding and reduce crash potential and severity. The demonstration projects will allow the City to test how effective each strategy is for reducing speeds, impacts to road maintenance and emergency response services, as well as replicability.

The plan will carefully consider the needs of competing roadway demands, such as:

  • Commuter trends
  • Bicycle and pedestrian safety
  • Transit patterns
  • Seasonal tourism fluctuations
  • Emergency response access
  • Evacuation routes
  • Intersection operations and movements
  • Seasonal maintenance activities

The final plan will provide the City with community supported and replicable strategies to reduce speeding on city streets. These strategies will include permanent infrastructure improvements and quick-build improvements.

Project cost: $307,800

Project funding: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program is providing $246,240, and the City is providing $61,560 for the local match.

Get Involved

This project includes several public engagement steps, and we look forward to gathering your feedback. Updates will be posted here as the project progresses.